Discover a new culinary experience and create a unique dimension for your dishes. Every taste is a destination on an exciting journey to discover authentic flavors and innovative combinations. We respect the seasons and guarantee the highest quality of our carefully selected ingredients.
Each jar of TubeORIGINAL contains a delicious cream you can use to spoil yourself and others in the kitchen. Each dish will be like a blank canvas on which to bring your culinary masterpieces to life with the touch of TubeORIGINAL. Creams with an authentic taste, prepared with carefully selected, high-quality ingredients.
The company is young but has big plans for its future. New product lines are already in the works to enrich the existing offer. At the base of each jar there is and will always be attention to the authenticity of the carefully selected products contained inside.
At the moment, there are two TubeORIGINAL Product Lines: Selection Truffle Line and Selection Chili Pepper Line.
Gli spaghetti con crema di peperoncino, nduja e pomodorini sono un primo piatto piccante e saporito, ideale per chi ama i sapori intensi e decisi.
This year, we’ve launched an unprecedented Black Friday, extending offers from October 10th to November 30th, 2024!
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TubeORIGINAL devolverà parte degli incassi delle vendite natalizie (acquisti effettuati sul nostro sito fino al 7 Gennaio 2023) a DONNEXSTRADA. Acquistando i nostri prodotti contribuirai con noi a sostenere l’Associazione. Fino al 7 gennaio le spese di SPEDIZIONE sono GRATUITE per l'acquisto minimo di due Tubi.
È questo per noi il vero significato del Natale.
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