Truffle sauce can be used in many ways: but do you know how to prepare it? How to use it for a true gourmet result? We reveal a few little secrets and tips to make the most of it in the kitchen.
Truffle sauce, or tartufata sauce, is a luxurious and flavorful condiment made from truffles, a type of prized underground mushroom. Its unique flavor and strong taste enhances the taste of each dish. Truffle sauce can be used to add a further note of flavor to dishes such as pasta, risotto and meat. It's also great for adding a unique twist to sauces and dressings.
Truffle sauce can be used in many ways: but do you know how to prepare it? How to use it for a true gourmet result? We reveal a few little secrets and tips to make the most of it in the kitchen.
The tartufata sauce is a condiment based on black truffles of the “precious” or summer variety, used in the kitchen to enrich different dishes: starting from a classic pasta flavored with truffle sauce, up to a fillet of meat or escalopes, but also from spread on warm croutons as an appetizer or aperitif.
Some truffle sauces are made using only black truffle, the characteristic black summer truffle (also called "scorzone"), with the addition of vegetable broth, oil and pepper. It can be bought ready-made, or, alternatively, it can be prepared at home with a few simple steps and a few quality Italian raw materials, including fresh truffles, extra virgin olive oil and vegetable broth.
How should truffle sauce be consumed? To make the most of the Truffle Sauce, it can be eaten at room temperature or after heating it. In this case we recommend heating it slightly in a saucepan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes, avoiding that excessive heat modifies its flavour.
The quantity of truffle sauce that we recommend to use is 20-25 grams per person, in order to impart flavor without risking overpowering the other flavors or being disgusting.
Truffle lovers who want to always have a truffle cream available to use at all times, but also for the less passionate who, however, like to add flavor to recipes, it is possible to prepare the truffle sauce at home.
Few ingredients are needed to make the truffle sauce recipe: summer truffles, mushrooms, extra virgin olive oil, black olives, salt, spices and flavourings.
Once the mushrooms have been cleaned, you will have to chop them finely and keep them aside while you put a pot on the fire with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in which to fry a clove of garlic for about a minute.
Add the mushrooms and sauté them and cook for about 5 minutes, then add the finely chopped or even grated truffle. Cook everything for another 5 minutes and then add the black olives. After removing the garlic clove, blend the whole mixture and obtain a cream. At this point, let the excess water dry by putting the cream mixture back on the heat. After five minutes, your truffle sauce will be ready!
What to do, on the other hand, if you want to use truffle sauce in a period when truffles are not in season, or even if you don't have the time to prepare it? In these cases, you can use our TubeORIGINAL truffle sauces for your recipes! A trio of jars with delicious truffle-based creams to be used in various ways, let's see how in the next paragraph!
The truffle sauce can be used in the kitchen in various creative ways to prepare gourmet dishes, or for delicious appetizers and aperitifs.
Using TubeORIGINAL truffle sauce in the kitchen makes it really easy to create appetizers starting from a few simple ingredients: croutons or slices of crusty bread, with the addition of butter, extra virgin olive oil and truffle sauce, can be the basis for various recipes from accomplish in a few simple steps.
Not only for appetizers, truffle sauce is also suitable for making first courses, such as pasta with truffle sauce: perfect for creaming tagliatelle, fettuccine, spaghetti, or even for making risotto.
The truffle sauce is not only perfect for appetizers and first courses, but also for second courses and meat: in particular, it can perfectly accompany scallops or a fillet of beef. For those who don't like meat, however, our TubeORIGINAL truffle sauce is magnificent to combine with eggs or to be used raw on pizza.
There are many recipes with truffle sauce and they range from appetizers to first and second courses, but also for original aperitifs! If you want to know how to use our truffle sauce, read our recipe for making cauliflower flans with truffle sauce.
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