Savory croissants with gorgonzola and 'nduja

Savory croissants with gorgonzola and 'nduja

Time to execute the recipe 20 minutes
Portions: 8
done with:

‘Nduja (90gr)

DID YOU KNOW THAT… To get a shiny and crunchy look and finish, you can brush the surface of the croissants with a beaten egg.

Let's see how to make the recipe

Ingredients for 2 persons:

  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • 150 g of Gorgonzola cheese
  • 'Nduja TubeORIGINAL

To start, roll out the round puff pastry roll and cut the puff pastry into 8 wedges of the same size. If you use rectangular puff pastry, cut it into 2 parts and make small rectangles.

Place 1 piece of Gorgonzola cheese and 1 teaspoon of ‘Nduja TubeORIGINAL in the center of the puff pastry triangle. Roll up each triangle starting from the base, making sure that the tip stays underneath so as not to risk that they open during cooking.

Bake in a preheated static oven at 200° for about 20 minutes, in the middle part of the oven, until the croissants are golden and crunchy. Take them out and let them cool.

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