Cauliflower Flans with Truffle Sauce

Cauliflower Flans with Truffle Sauce

Time to execute the recipe 25 minutes
Portions: 2
done with:

Truffle sauce (80gr)

DID YOU KNOW THAT… Soak the fontina cheese in small pieces in the wine until the wine is absorbed.

Let's see together how this recipe is made:

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 5 cabbage leaves
  • ½ teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 10 ml of dry white wine
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 300 grams of cauliflower
  • 100 grams of fontina cheese
  • 1 tablespoon of TubeORIGINAL truffle sauce
  • olive oil to taste
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
To start, steam the cauliflower for 10 minutes and blend it with the egg yolk, shallot, parsley and thyme leaves; add salt and pepper. Whip the egg whites until stiff and incorporate them in the mixture.
Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling salted water for 2 minutes, drain, dry and use them to line 4 oiled muffin tins; divide the paste into them and cook in a bain-marie, in the oven at 180°, for 25 minutes.
Plating: Mix the starch, TubeORIGINAL truffle sauce, the minced cheese with the wine, pepper and cook over low heat until the fontina cheese is well melted. Unmould and sprinkle the flans with the sauce. Enjoy your meal, have fun and dare with TubeORIGINAL.

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