The charcuterie board is one of the symbols of Italian easter, in which the sacred and the profane mix. It is one of the richest courses among the easter appetizers: it consists of a set of cold cuts of various types, cheeses and hard-boiled eggs served accordingly to a precise ritual.
There is no real recipe for the cheese and salami platter, because much depends on the tastes and inspiration of those who prepare this easter appetizer. The ingredients are typical local products: among the cured meats, usually pork, there is no shortage of capocollo, bacon, Neapolitan salami and spicy salami; they are accompanied by various types of cheeses always cut into slices, such as salted ricotta, fresh provolone, caciocavallo or even aged cheeses and mozzarella, and finally hard-boiled eggs, generally cut in half.
If we celebrate easter in the company of relatives, a wonderful idea could be to divide the tasks to speed up operations: this way the dishes can be prepared just before consumption, having fun with friends and relatives in a festive atmosphere.
To add a touch of originality to a traditional and "ancient" dish, we can serve the platter to accompany other ingredients - perhaps set up on a wooden platter - such as jams, marmalades, honey, or the TubeORIGINAL creams from the Chef Luis Dias Creations Line. Three creams with a unique flavor, ideal for accompanying cheeses and cured meats: Nocellara Green Olive Tapenade, Red Onion Cream with Balsamic Vinegar, Red Beetroot Cream with Rose Water.
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